Sunday, July 8, 2012

Sometimes Books are Triple Hitters

In Little Chief by Syd Hoff we learn that Native Americans can speak to animals, rarely procreate (which would explain their near cultural collapse much more neatly than white people giving them small pox blankets), failed to invent both the wheel and the game of tag, and had wonderful and lasting relationships with European settlers.

This book achieves three great feats at once. It is:
  1. Racist
  2. Revisionist
  3. Aimed at children
To the publisher's credit Little Chief is now out of print. And to America's credit, it has a sale's rank on Amazon of 2,341,149, meaning that there aren't a lot of people out there who are clamoring to give their first graders racist and revisionist Easy Readers.

I wish I could give you all 64 pages, but I think legally I cannot scan the book in it's entirety,* but like all books on this site, you may certainly buy this book form Roundabout Books, provided that you promise only to use it for comic relief, not for the "education" of minors.

*Although, lawyers for Mr. Hoff, if you are reading this, first 1) THANK YOU! and 2) I do believe my blog falls under the "parody" exception of the fair use copyright laws. 


  1. It's good that you studied that legal stuff.
    Who knew it would come in so handy?!

  2. $140,000 is about the price tag of that info. Thank goodness for Yale!


  3. I hope Mr. Hoff's other title, "Julius" is about Gaius Julius Caesar's childhood in the slums of Rome and how he brought people together under tyrannical rule.
