Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Roundabout Books - Greenfield

We have opened a book store! It is truly the dream of all English majors to do so. But, it turns out to be a lot of work. Thankfully it's really Raymond's business and I just get to be a little opinionated and look through the treasure trove before anyone else. It's a pretty good arrangement for me.

I also decided that I would start a blog because more than occasionally we come across a true WTF book. (Sometimes in a really good way, other times not so much...) I thought about calling this blog but figured that might not be in the best interest of the business.

The blog is not supposed to have a lot of chit-chat. Instead, a title, an image or two, and optional small caption, are supposed to take the place of any work on my part. My work is to find these gems and share them with you.

WTF book Number 1:

A Book Whose Title and Premise Would Never Be Published Today (Especially not if Mike Bloomberg had anything to do with it.) 

Sadly, If I Owned a Candy Factory is out of print. Happily for you, Roundabout Books has a copy! If you  shiver at the thought that Cookie Monster now must tell everybody that "Cookies are a sometimes food" and rarely gets to sing "C is for Cookie" you must own this book. Don't delay. Because you never know when the lifestyle police might show at Roundabout Books and tell us that we must take a green Sharpie to the cover and replace all references to "candy" with 'broccoli." Think it couldn't happen? Go try and get a Big Glup in Times Square and let me know how that worked for you.

Read On!


  1. Congratulations on your bookstore!!

  2. If I owned a candy factory, I'd be the happiest little girl on earth. And if YOU owned a bookstore, YOU'D be the most awesomest, happiest little girl in all the land - congratulations! I'm so happy for you and Raymond and this new adventure!
